before and after Scap micropigmentation smp for hair thinning in men

I'll answer some important questions first:

Scalp MicroPigmentation is nothing like a hair transplant because it is non-surgical. SMP is a semi-permanent treatment that lasts for years. As you can see in the image below, no actual hair has grown out, but we’ve just created that illusion of hair density by covering the skin in thousands of micro dots.

before and after scalp micropigmentation for long hair to add hair density birminghamIn simple terms it is a cosmetic tattoo, but here are a few more terms that it goes by: SMP, Micropigmentation, hair tattoo, micro hair pigmentation.

Many of our Muslim clients have the same question.

Fatwa Committee UK has ruled that Scalp Micropimentation (SMP) is permitted in Islam because it is considered as treatment for ailment. Click here and scroll to the bottom of their article to see the ruling.

Yes, with SMP we can give you great results regardless of your skin or hair colour.

Scalp Micropigmentation can blend in with any colour hair. Ultimately your hair roots will always be a shade of grey and that is what we are trying to match the treatment to. With lighter hair we would go with a lighter pigment.

 smp for long hair scalp micropigmentation for grey light hair birmingham uk

SMP is much more effective if you have dark hair, because we can cover the skin with a darker pigment.

scalp micropigmentation for long hair birmingham uk smp for male and female

This cosmetic treatment fades slowly over time and your hair might also thin out a bit more.

Realistically, you might want 1 top-up session anywhere after 1 year in order to build the appearance of density again.

Most likely you won’t need a full treatment again (which normally consists of 3 sessions)



Are you ready to uncover the secrets of Scalp Micropigmentation for long hair?

Join me on a journey as I guide you through every step of the process, starting with the initial consultation and continuing through the three SMP sessions at ScalpMates UK. From touch-ups to aftercare, I’ll give you an inside look at the treatment and show you before and after photos so you know exactly what to expect.

Get ready to transform your hair and boost your confidence with Scalp Micropigmentation.

Consultation & Facilities


  • Discuss the procedure with us, including what to expect during and after the treatment. This is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have,
  • Even though possible risks or side effects are minimal, you should always disclose any of your health conditions before starting the treatment,
  • We provide you with the exact cost of the treatment (no hidden charges or extras) and the number of sessions required to achieve your desired results,


laur, laurentiu bradea and greta bradea scalpmates smp

Drop us a message / virtual consultation


Click on the links below to get in touch with either one of us:


  • Greta mainly works with long hair / density so you may wish to contact her directly.
  • Laur prefers the bald / shaved look, but can also work with thinning hair.

Simply send us a few photos of your scalp/hair and we can give you an exact quote and more information regarding the process and what can be achieved in your case.

Optional in-person consultation


ScalpMates is based in Kings Heath, Birmingham, UK at 9 Aldbury Road, B144NH. 


You are more than welcome to schedule a free consultation if you prefer to see the studio (built in our garden at home) and have a chat with one of us in person. You may get a better feel for our workspace and our level of expertise.


This experience is completely pressure-free

smp for long hair won't work on everyone

When SMP for density would not be effective


To achieve the desired illusion of hair density with scalp micropigmentation, it is important to have a decent amount of hair present throughout your head. (images on the right)


In case there are large bald patches (images on the left), the technique may not produce the desired results unless you are willing to keep a short shaved hair


  • Top left image: I would only add density in the areas where he has hair. The hairline has receded quite far back and adding micro dots in the corners will look wrong, unless he cuts his hair very short.
  • Top right image: Hairline is quite good, the client just needs density throughout the top of his head. Keep reading to see how I achieved this.
  • Bottom left image: He has a large bald area in the crown. I would advise the client to trim his hair very short (0.5) in order for the SMP to blend in properly.
  • Bottom right image: Client could keep his hair long because he had some density in the crown and the micro hair tattoo blended in perfectly with the rest of his hair. See how I covered his crown below.


SESSION 1 – Add Hair Density with SMP

Slide to see a few examples of different hair lengths, taken before and straight after the SMP session.

before and after first session SMP for crown Scalp micropigmentation for hair density at scalpmates birmingham uk
before and after one session SMP for crown Scalp micropigmentation on long hair at scalpmates birmingham uk
before and after first session SMP for long hair at scalpmates birmingham uk


This is what you can expect to see straight after 1 session of SMP for thinning hair. In all 3 cases I’ve tattooed tens of thousands of micro dots throughout the top of the head. I cover the whole area that is affected by hair loss.

This is NOT the final result. I know that it appears quite dark right now, but some of the pigment is “smudged” into your hair and it just makes your hair look darker. That will wash off, leaving the true result. (keep reading to see Session 2 progress)

In case you are thinning in a smaller area such as hairline corners, then we would work in that area and blend it with the rest of your hair.

1st Session Questions

scalp micropigmentation smp in bimringham tools, tattoo machine and needles

Scalp Micropigmentation is actually a simple cosmetic treatment, so the tools are very simple too. Don’t be duped by technicians claiming to use the “latest, cutting-edge technology”. It’s just a variation of these tools.

Here’s what I use to make “MAGIC” happen

  • Quality tattoo pen – used to inject the pigment into the scalp skin
  • Power watch – keeps my tattoo pen running
  • Variation of needle cartridges – these are inserted into the tattoo pen. I dip them into the pigment and then create micro dots of different sizes on your scalp.(mimic your hair follicles/roots)
  • Pigment blend – I use 100% organic & vegan pigment, mixed specifically for each client’s skin and hair colour.
  • Golden ratio and marking pencil – hairline marking
  • Gloves & mask – protection

Yes and No. Different people have different pain thresholds.

As an idea, out of 10 clients:

  • 2 barely feel anything, They report an itching sensation throughout the sessions. They usually enjoy the feeling, or fall asleep.
  • 7 report a discomfort but they can manage the sessions just fine. We either talk all the way through or they watch a good movie on Netflix.
  • 1 in 10 clients might have a very sensitive scalp but I make sure to give them plenty of breaks, use some numbing cream and they soldier through it. 

We’ve never had anyone leave because of pain, before the treatment was complete.

It takes me up to 4 hours to finish the whole top of the head and blend in with the sides. For hairline corners it could take me around 1 hour

To pass time we can talk, you can watch movies on the TV, or listen to music. Most of my clients say that “it went quickly!”

First 3 days

  • Do Not wash your head to avoid taking out the pigment
  • Do Not use hair sprays or gel
  • Do Not expose your head to UV rays (sunbed). 
  • Avoid sauna or heavy exercise. Anything which causes excessive sweating during this period will flush the pigment out of the skin thus defeating the purpose of this treatment.
  • Avoid swimming

After 3 days – Until next session

If your 2nd session is 1-2 weeks after the first session:

  • Wash your head gently
  • Moisturize daily with Coconut butter, Argan oil or anything similar.
  • Avoid excessive sweating

If we assume that you’ll have 3 sessions:

  • your 2nd session will be at least 7 days after the 1st session
  • your 3rd session will be at least 7 days after the 2nd session

We can try to keep the same time and day for the following weeks, or the closest available.

We normally split the total payment into sessions. You can pay by bank transfer (mobile app), by Paypal, or in cash.

As an example, if the total cost to cover the top of your head was £750 and you would need 3 sessions, then you pay £250 per session. 

To get an idea about costs, have a look at our SMP prices 


SESSION 2 – Even More Hair Density!

Slide to see a few examples of different hair lengths

before and after second session SMP for crown Scalp micropigmentation for hair density at scalpmates birmingham uk
before and after 2 SMP for thinning crown Scalp micropigmentation for hair density at scalpmates birmingham uk
before and after 2 SMP for long hair Scalp micropigmentation for hair density at scalpmates birmingham uk


First thing you’ll notice is the settled result after 1 week is slightly lighter than right after the 1st session, but still an improvement from BEFORE. This is normal, as some of the pigment from the first session will wash off from your hair. 

At this point I would assess how the previous session healed and adjust the pigment accordingly. Most of the times I will go slightly darker.

This SMP session is similar to the first one, we will focus on adding more dots and fill in the skin showing through. Follow the same aftercare and I will most likely see you in another week for your 3rd and final session.


SESSION 3 – More Density & Finishing Touches

Slide to see a few examples of different hair lengths

before and after SMP for crown Scalp micropigmentation for hair density at scalpmates birmingham uk
before and after SMP for thinning crown Scalp micropigmentation for hair density at scalpmates birmingham uk
before and after SMP for long hair Scalp micropigmentation for hair density at scalpmates birmingham uk


Once again, the settled result after 1 week is slightly lighter than right after the previous session, but still an improvement.

At this point your thin hair is a thing of the past. I would assess how the previous sessions healed, possibly darken the pigment slightly and work on blending into your hair. I will add one more layer of micro dots which will cover your skin even more.

If someone were to look closely into your scalp, they would not be able to see anything suspicious. Micro hair pigmentation will have a 3D effect and look just like your hair roots.


Healed SMP Results & Top-ups Explained

Photos taken weeks / months after the last session

before and after scalp micropigmentation for female long blonde hair in birmingham uk scalpmates

before and after scalp micropigmentation for male muslim long hair in birmingham uk scalpmates


I normally offer a free touch up if there are any areas needing more attention. I suggest waiting a few weeks in order to see the fully settled result first. In most cases a touch up is not necessary, but it’s good to know that you have this option.

Scalp Micropigmentation results last for years to come. It will fade slowly over the years and you might consider a top up session around 1-2 years later. Below is an example of SMP after 1 year. 


healed scalp micropigmentation after 1 year result for long grey hair in birmingham uk at scalpmates


This client doesn’t really need a top up at this point as the scalp is still not showing too much. However, it is possible to go a bit darker if he wanted to. It’s just a matter of personal preference.


SMP After Care & Healing


Right, so you’ve had your Scalp Micropigmentation done. What now?

Well, as with most treatments, it is very important to follow the aftercare instructions which are fairly simple and straight forward. This ensures that your micro hair tattoo settles nicely.

Aftercare Q&A

  • Your bum will probably feel quite numb from sitting down for so many hours.
  • Seeing your hair getting a density boost will certainly get you EXCITED!
  • Each session builds more density, so you will notice a positive difference up until the final (usually 3rd) session when you achieve the final result.
  • No major bruises or bleeding will occur.
  • Your scalp will be slightly red, a sign that your skin already started the healing process.
  • You shouldn’t feel any pain or soreness after the session, but your scalp might get a bit itchy at times for the next couple of days. 

Gently start washing your head 3 DAYS after each session.

Ideally you should stay away from heavy exercise for up to 2 weeks 

If you sweat excessively through your scalp, this could take out some of the pigment leaving you with a poor pigmentation result.

You may still do light exercise such as walking, as long as your head does not sweat too much.

You should wait at least 2 weeks before swimming or sauna

It’s best not to use any hair fibers, hair sprays, gels, or hair growth products for 2 weeks after getting the treatment done.

These could negatively impact the pigment, resulting in poor SMP results

Yes, you may cover your head after Scalp Micropigmentation

After 3 days I would advise you to use coconut butter, Argan oil or anything similar for your hair. Keep moisturizing your scalp at least once a day until your next session (or for 2 weeks if you’ve finished your treatment)